Sunday, April 27, 2014

Pipes and a Portaloo!

Taps were in on Wednesday April 23

Portaloo was in on Friday April 25
The cure for anything is salt water:
Sweat, tears or the sea.
- Isak Dinesen

Sunday, April 06, 2014

Ensuite Choices

Mushroom Linea Base
Carboni II Basin
Espresso Top
Outback Latte Floor and Shower Tiles

Kitchen Choices

Westinghouse appliances
White Shimmer Caesarstone Benchtops
Mushroom Subway Tiles
Lidingo Overhead Cupboards

Exterior Choices

Traditional Facade
Boral Slimline Contour Roof Tiles in Gunmetal
Colorbond Monument Gutters and Fascia
Truffle Brick
Colorbond Dune Windows and Garage
Dulux White Duck Render around Garage
Colori Concrete Driveway in Stone

For Every Action

... there is an equal and opposite reaction.  We have had our soil report back and unfortunately it is not good.  We are Soil Class P, which is described as:

Problem sites: The ability of the soil to evenly bear a load is very poor.  Sites may be classified as 'Class P' as a result of mine subsidence, landslip, collapse activity or coastal erosion.  Ground movement as a result of moisture changes may be severe.  If you are building on a Class P site, you will need to consult a structural engineer.

It is quite common in our area.  Luckily, we are covered for such an event in our contract.  Our builders will use piers and waffle slabs at no extra charge.  The landscaping design we chose would not be suitable, as it had garden beds right up to the wall of the house.  We chose one of three that were specifically designed for our soil type.  I think I like it more than the original one.  HBC did not charge us for the variation and we had the addenda signed and returned on the same day.